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Student Information
게시물 검색
Jhoanna from Philippines
Learning the Korean language here at Duksung Women’s University was a great opportunity and experience. I learned Korean language here from level 1 and up to the present, I’m currently in level 4. I could definitely say that with the help of our teachers, my Korean language skills really improved greatly. Teachers here are passionate and dedicated to teaching! Also, they are very approachable so asking some questions to them is not a problem. In addition, they are open to hearing the opinions of the students. They will also encourage you to speak and practice your Korean language if you’re feeling shy. Additionally, they also have one-on-one counseling to check if you’re doing well or having some struggles living here in South Korea. Lastly, the staff members are very helpful and friendly! They will help you in every process like, alien ID registration, visa extension, insurance, etc. so you don’t have to worry at all! Plus, if you have any concerns, you can simply ask them. As a foreigner living here in South Korea, I can say that GEI teachers and staffs help me a lot to be able to live comfortably here. 덕성여자대학교에서 한국어를 배운 것은 좋은 기회와 경험이었습니다. 여기에서 1급부터 한국어를 배웠고 현재까지 4급입니다. 선생님들의 도움으로 저의 한국어 실력이 정말 크게 향상하게 됐다고 말할 수 있습니다. 선생님들은 가르치는 데 열정적이고 헌신적입니다! 또한, 선생님들은 매우 친근하기 때문에 선생님들에게 많은 질문을 물어보는데도 괜찮습니다. 게다가, 선생님들은 학생들의 의견을 듣기 위해 열려 있습니다. 만약에 여러분이 부끄럼 느낀다면, 선생님들은 또한 여러분이 한국어를 말하고 연습하도록 격려할 겁니다. 게다가, 선생님들은 또한 여러분이 한국에서 잘 지내고 있는지, 어려움을 겪고 있는지를 확인하기 위해서 일대일 상담을 합니다. 마지막으로, 직원들은 도움이 되고 친절합니다. 그리고 직원들은 여러분이 걱정할 필요가 없도록 외국인 신분증, 비자 연장, 보험과 같은 모든 과정을 도와줄 겁니다! 게다가, 여러분이 걱정이 있다면, 직원들에게 편하게 물어보면 됩니다. 한국에 살고 있는 외국인으로서, GEI 선생님들과 직원들이 저를 여기에서 편안하게 살 수 있도록 많은 도움을 준다고 말할 수 있습니다.
Sutria from Indonesia
Saya sangat menikmati dan puas belajar bahasa Korea di DSWU. Mulai dari guru yang mengajar dengan jelas dan menyenangkan, staff yang sangat membantu, hingga fasilitas pembelajaran dan dorm yang nyaman dan memadai. Di DSWU, kami tidak hanya belajar bahasa Korea, namun juga mendapat program budaya yang berbeda setiap semesternya. Selain itu, kami juga mendapat sesi konseling dengan guru untuk membantu jika ada kesulitan dalam pembelajaran atau kehidupan sehari-hari. I really enjoyed and am satisfied studying Korean in the DSWU. The teachers taught us in a fun way but still explained it clearly, the staff are very helpful, also they afford us a comfortable study and living space such as dormitory facilities. In DSWU, we do not only study Korean, but also got to experience Korean culture through different culture classes each semester. In addition, we also got counseling sessions with our teacher once every semester to help us if we have any difficulties in studying or daily life.
Aliaa from Egypt
When I first arrived to korea, I didn't know korean at all and it looked like a big challenge. But luckily I arrived Duksung Women's University Global Education Institute. I found here very passionate teachers with so fun ways to make the language learning so much fun. Each class has 2 teachers with different style to teach which was very exciting. And I can say that after a few weeks I could talk with others and make small conversations which posted my confidence a lot. Also one of the best things here was the cultural class every semester to connect us more and more to korean's people life and culture. And finally due to the diversity of students here I made a lot of friends from different countries and for sure a lot of great memories that I'll never forget. All thanks to Duksung Women's University Global Education Institute. لما وصلت كوريا مكنتش اعرف كوري اطلاقا وكان بالنسبالي تحدي كبير جدا. لكن لحسن الحظ جيت على معهد التعليم العالمي بجامعة دوكسونج النسائية. لقيت هنا مدرسيين عندهم شغف لتعليم اللغه بطرق تخلي عمليه التعليم دي ممتعه وجديده. كل فصل فيه ٢ مدرسين بأساليب تعليم مختلفه ف ديما في تغيير ومفيش ملل. واقدر اقول ان الحمدلله بعد كام اسبوع بس قدرت اني اتكلم مع الناس هنا وده خلاني واثقه من نفسي اكتر ومبسوطه. وكمان من احسن الحاجات هنا هي الحصص الثقافية في كل فصل دراسي عشان نعرف اكتر واكتر حياه الشعب الكوري وثقافتهم. واخيرا بسبب وجود طلاب كتير من دول مختلفه قدرت اني اكون صداقات كتيره من دول مختلفه و نعمل ذكريات مش هنساها ابدا والفضل يرجع لمعهد التعليم العالمي بجامعة دوكسونج النسائية.
Suren from Mongolia
When I arrived at this university, I learned the Korean language from an elementary level. Now, I am delighted to be able to communicate in Korean with students who come from other countries, and my Korean language skills are improving more than ever. Here, not only is the Korean language curriculum excellent, but most of the teachers also teach us Korean subjects interestingly and kindly. Moreover, they provide us with a deep knowledge of Korean culture. Most importantly, I have been able to learn Korean language with pleasure and make friends from many foreign countries, creating great and unforgettable memories. Миний хувьд энэ сургуульд ирээд Солонгос хэлийг анхан шатнаас нь суралцсан. Солонгос хэлээр бусад орны хүүхдүүдтэй ойлголцож, ярилцаж чаддаг болсондоо маш их баяртай байна.Хичээлийн программ сайн төдийгүй ихэнх багш нар үр өгөөжтэй, сонирхолтой хичээлээ заадаг. Мөн хэл сурангаа Солонгос улсын соёлтой танилцдаг. Энд богино хугацаанд Солонгос хэлийг хөгжилтэйгээр сурахаас гадна олон үндэстний найзуудтай болж мартагдашгүй дурсамж бүтээх боломжтой. 저는 한국에 와서 덕성여대 학교에서 1 급부터 한국어를 공부하고 있습니다. 요즘은 한국어로 다른 나라의 친구들과 이야기할 수 있어서 너무 행복합니다.한국의 수업 프로그램이 아주 좋았고 선생님들은 학생들에게 한국어를 아주 친절하고 재미있게 가르쳐 주십니다. 그래서 짧은 시간에 잘 배울 수 있고 다른 나라의 친구들과 쉽게 사귈 수 있고 좋은 기억을 많이 만들 수 있었습니다.
Rosana from Indonesia
Menempuh Pendidikan Bahasa di DWSU selama pandemi merupakan keuntungan tersendiri. DWSU menetapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat tanpa mengganggu proses belajar mengajar. Sesi konseling dengan guru juga sangat membantu proses belajar dan adaptasi dengan lingkungan di Korea. Setiap kelasnya, terdapat 2 guru yang sangat perhatian dan membantu dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya. Kelas budaya juga dikemas dengan sangat menarik dan menyenangkan! Attending GEI at DWSU during the pandemic is an advantage. DWSU sets strict health protocols without disrupting the teaching and learning process. Counseling sessions with teacher are also very helpful in the learning process and adaptation to the Korean environment. In each class, there are 2 teachers who are very attentive and helpful in the process of learning language and culture. Culture class was really interesting and fun!
Rouaa from Lebanon
التى وصلت فيها الى جامعة دوكسونغ وانا أشعر بأن هذا المكان هو بيتي الثاني. المعلمات لطيفات جدا ويقومون بتعليم اللغة الكورية بكل حبّ وشغف. وبفضل جهودهن ازدادت ثقتي بنفسي وأصبحت اتكلم اللغة الكورية بطلاقة أكثر. خلال فترة قصيرة في معهد اللغة استطعت أن أكون صداقات متينة وذكريات لن تفارقني مدى الحياة. I've been dreaming of studying in South Korea for 7 years and this dream finally came true this year. From the very first moment I came into Duksung's Women's University and I feel like this place is my second home. Our teachers are so kind and teach us Korean language with all love and passion. Thanks to their hard work and effort, My self confidence was boosted and I can now speak Korean more than ever. During a short period of time at the Global Education Institute, I was able to make strong friendships and unforgettable memories that will live with me forever.
Sergio from Costa Rica
Llegué sin saber Coreano y muy preocupado por el reto de aprenderlo, pero encontré a un equipo muy dedicado y motivado que siempre estuvo ahí para mí, docentes con mucha paciencia y vocación para enseñar, así como personal administrativo que veló por mi bienestar como estudiante ¡hasta en los detalles más pequeños! De Duksung Women´s University Global Education Institute me llevo la habilidad de hablar, leer, escribir y comprender coreano, así como también maravillosos recuerdos, nuevas experiencias y ¡amigos para toda la vida! I must say that I was very lucky! I arrived without knowing Korean and very concerned about the challenge of learning it, but I found a very dedicated and motivated team that was always there for me, teachers with a lot of patience and a vocation to teach, as well as administrative staff who looked after my well-being as a student even in the smallest details! From Duksung Women's University Global Education Institute I take with me the ability to speak, read, write, and understand Korean, as well as marvelous memories, new experiences, and friends for life!
Claudia from France
Il y a deux ans, j'ai eu l'occasion de participer au programme court d’étude « summer dream ». J’ai tellement aimé les cours proposés par l'université Duksung que je suis revenu deux ans plus tard ! Cette fois-ci, j'ai choisi le programme de coréen intensif standard. Grâce aux professeurs, nous avons pu progresser chaque jour. Malgré le Covid-19, apprendre le coréen a été intéressant et amusant. En classe, nous apprenons non seulement la grammaire mais aussi la culture coréenne, ce qui est très enrichissant d’un point de vue personnel. Je voudrais remercier mes professeurs et mes camarades qui ont travaillé dur ce trimestre. 2년전 여름 단기과정에 참여할 기회가 있었습니다. 덕성여자대학교에서 진행하는 수업들이 너무 좋아서 2년 후에 다시 돌아왔습니다! 이번에는 정규과정을 선택했습니다. 선생님들 덕분에 우리는 매일 발전할 수 있었습니다. Covid-19가 있는데도 불구하고 한국어를 배우는 것이 재미있고 즐거울 수 있었습니다. 수업시간에 문법만 아니라 한국 문화도 배우기 때문에 정말 재미있습니다. 이번 학기에 열심히 수업을 해주신 선생님들께 정말 감사드립니다.
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