

2024 여름학기 한국어교육부 체류연장 단체접수Group apply for Visa Extension

views : 814

date 2024.07.12 writer 관리자
file 통합신청서(신고서).pdf 통합신청서(신고서).doc



2024 여름학기 체류연장 단체접수를 신청할 학생들은 726113로 오시기 바랍니다.



<체류연장 단체 접수>


1. 일시2024.07.26.() 10:00~16:00

2. 장소국제관 1113

3. 필요 서류

    1) 통합신청서

      2) 여권 사본

      3) 외국인등록증 앞면+뒷면 사본

      4) 재학증명서 & 출석증명서 & 등록금영수증 – 7/25 배부 예정

      5) 집 계약서(기숙사 거주 확인서)

      6) 수수료 80,000


Students who'd like to apply for the group extension of stay for the 2024 summer semester should come to Room 113 on July 26th.


<Details for Group Extension of Stay Application>

1. Date and Time: July 26, 2024 (Friday) 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

2. Location: Room 113, 1st floor of the International Building

3. Required Documents:

   1) Application Form

   2) Copy of Passport

   3) Copy of the front and back of the Alien Registration Card

   4) Certificate of Enrollment & Certificate of Attendance & Tuition Receipt – To be distributed on July 25th

   5) Housing Contract (Dormitory Residence Confirmation)

   6) Fee: 80,000 KRW